50 s) post-injection seizure duration (κ = 0.894, all other combinations κ = 0.659–0.734). Regarding Fleiss’ κ for localization of the SOZ in the 141 (80.1%) lateralizing SPECT, it was largest for early injection and short post-injection seizure duration (κ = 0.575, all other combinations κ = 0.329–0.368). The proportion of lateralizing SPECT was lower with short compared to long post-injection seizure duration (estimated marginal means 74.3% versus 86.3%, p = 0.047). The effect was mainly driven by cases with very short post-injection seizure duration ≤ 10 s (53.8% lateralizing). Injection latency in the considered range had no significant impact on the proportion of lateralizing SPECT (p = 0.390). The proportion of localizing SPECT among the lateralizing cases did not depend on injection latency or post-injection seizure duration (p ≥ 0.603). Conclusions Short post-injection seizure duration is associated with a lower proportion of lateralizing cases in ictal brain perfusion SPECT." />  50 s) post-injection seizure duration (κ = 0.894, all other combinations κ = 0.659–0.734). Regarding Fleiss’ κ for localization of the SOZ in the 141 (80.1%) lateralizing SPECT, it was largest for early injection and short post-injection seizure duration (κ = 0.575, all other combinations κ = 0.329–0.368). The proportion of lateralizing SPECT was lower with short compared to long post-injection seizure duration (estimated marginal means 74.3% versus 86.3%, p = 0.047). The effect was mainly driven by cases with very short post-injection seizure duration ≤ 10 s (53.8% lateralizing). Injection latency in the considered range had no significant impact on the proportion of lateralizing SPECT (p = 0.390). The proportion of localizing SPECT among the lateralizing cases did not depend on injection latency or post-injection seizure duration (p ≥ 0.603). Conclusions Short post-injection seizure duration is associated with a lower proportion of lateralizing cases in ictal brain perfusion SPECT." /> FreiDok plus - Short post-injection seizure duration is associated with reduced power of ictal brain perfusion SPECT to lateralize the seizure onset zone
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